Friday, November 6, 2009

Funny thing about a blog...

As I sat on the couch with Oprah on the tube, kids and dogs active all around me, sipping a Cosmo-type of cocktail made from a kids juice box, I decided to save and give up on my Serenity Helicopter blog. I realized after re-reading for the tenth time that I needed to take a break,and my family demanding I take one.
The dog nudging my hand, begging for chow. My daughter rehearsing for the school Variety Show,insisting I watch her dance routine. Comotion in the back ground about someone touching someone elses stuff...blah, blah, blah.
Neglect, I think..."You are always on the stinkin computer!" Not true!,I reply as I sip my watered down drink.
Now yet another interruption...we MUST go out for Pizza NOW, people are melting around me for the lack of food....
Now it's the next's a wonder I can write at all. It's a rare occasion in my house today because there is nothing on the calendar, no sports, no school, no nothing.That almost never happens! Movies! they say...Paranormal something or other, It's rated R! They need me so they can gain entrance to the crazy scary flick, does this mean I have to submit my own brain to such horror? Let's not forget the 10 year old that insists she is old enough to view such a film. Yikes! Makes me wish they all had something to do.
So...movies it is, I think I will sneak in to the new Clooney movie where he stares at goats or some type of farm animal...
Till next time, perhaps without interuptions...
Serenity shall wait till another moment in time...Perhaps when I have some serenity...

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