Recently, I was lucky enough to visit the Vail- Beaver Creek area of Colorado for a family wedding. My Niece Kelli found her true love Rob, and they tied the knot at the Lazy J Ranch in Colorado. So I packed up my family and we headed West, to join in the celebration of love and family.
While we where there we looked into some day trips, I wanted the kids to get a sense of the beauty that Colorado has to offer. My husband, not being a great swimmer was weary of the rafting idea at first. My three daughters, ages, 10,13,and 15 were ALL IN! Needless to say my husband followed and we ALL had a blast!
I did some research and found Lakota River Rafting, they have offices located in the Vail-Eagle Valley area and also Aspen and the Arkansas River Valley. Lakota has been in operation for 30 years, and has offered family fun trips as well as crazy adventure seeker trips. They offer trips for beginners, intermediate, advanced and expert. You decide what level of fun your seeking, or if you want a half day or a full day filled with adventure and tons of fun. The highly trained professionals and well skilled staff at Lakota consists of hikers, mountain bikers, skiers, snow boarders, and college students. Safety came first, all guides have to go through a series of training classes, and all know CPR in case it's needed. I felt very safe! Everyone was fitted with a helmet and PFD (personal floatation device).
Our choice, the half-day trip down the Shoshone Canyon River Valley. And what a choice it proved to be, the Shoshone River valley offered excellent rapids, beautiful mountains views, blue Sky's above and areas where if you looked hard enough you could see wildlife at its best. Paul, our guide was amazing, even though he didn't warn me of the big drop off when I was thrusted downwards into the base of the raft landing on the spare emergency paddle. In hindsight I guess it was better to fall in, than to fall out. Our adventure twisted downwards and ended in Glenwood Springs; Lakota offered a fabulous fajita lunch complete with cookies and soft drinks for the hungry rafters. They even offer a professional photographer that follows your raft from the land, he captures the big toothy grins on every ones faces as they go over the rapids and down the Colorado River. During lunch he plays a slide show of your adventure for all to enjoy, you may purchase a cd disc of your raft trip for a reasonable amount of money. I bought one, and loved each and every photo! What a great memory for my family to have. I can't remember ever looking at pictures of an event when every person in my family was smiling and laughing all day long..
So, if you've got kids and your looking for the next family fun trip, check out Lakota River Rafting, you will not be disappointed.
Lakota River Rafting
White Water Photo's
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