Thursday, May 28, 2009

Yard Sale Weekend

Well it's finally here, the long awaited weekend so I can get rid of my 'stuff '. I have spent much time planning and sorting all the things in my life that I no longer desire. My Mother pretends to be a customer, she walks through the crowd and looks the part of the busy shopper. No doubt she will find a funny hat or scarf to put on as to 'fit in'. My sister will arrive with bagels in hand and Dunkin Donut coffee. That always makes me happy!What do we really need? Why do we and how do we acquire so much 'stuff '? I swore off yard sales after my last one. Never Again! I told my self. I even said it out loud! Rain, rain go away, come again another day! Perhaps, I'm slap happy from putting those little round neon stickers on everything. Something for everyone; so they say. I can hear it already...uhmmm, excuse me but would you take less for this item? Well let me's already marked 25 cents, sure I will lady! Let us not neglect the' early birds', they are people too. If you are not familiar with that term they are eager people that show up at your house anywhere from 3 hours to one entire day early in hopes of getting the true bargain. So when it's all said and done I will count my dollars and make my trip to Goodwill to donate all the left over treasure that no one claimed. I might be a little richer, but I think not any wiser. I will have to wake early to post the signage, normally that job gets done the night before, but like years past the rain will ruin my efforts and destroy my posters.

One thing is for sure, I will say "NEVER AGAIN" again; but give me two years and more 'stuff' and I will be back at it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

ARUBA "One Happy Island"

The following is an excerpt from my Aruba, One Happy Island Story. I hope you enjoy... Also, sorry for the 2X on the yellow boat, I am still learning. I can't figure out how to delete one of them, if anyone knows...HELP ME!

As I made my way through the beautiful newly decorated lobby, past the Stellaris Casino, and out the back door towards the beach bar, clearly, I was on a mission. As I bellied up to the bar at Simply Fish, I asked the bartender about the aloe drinks. Under his recommendation I ordered the 'Aloe Rum Punch'. All this hype; it had better be worth it! Pinkish in color with a cherry and pineapple topper, I took a smell, then a swig. Hmmm...cold, refreshing, sweet, not to sweet, yet there was something about it. I asked the bartender to see the actual bottle of aloe.Aruba prides itself on their aloe crops. " BIG MISTAKE," I started to think.There it was in writing, distilled in Korea. As I drank some more, there was an odd consistency about this liquid. The bartender poured me some straight aloe in a separate cup.I picked it up, looked at it, and, hummm, some little floating opaque pieces of aloe plant. I drank some and swilled it around my mouth. Immediately, I had a flashback of years past swimming at the Jersey Shore during jellyfish season; the waves crashing into shore, the pieces of broken jellyfish scattered throughout the salt water, and the broken sea creatures littering the shoreline. I was done! There wasn't much for me to do at this point except to finish my jellyfish drink and make my way towards some food.

With jellyfish still on my mind, I thought, "What better to eat for dinner than Sushi?".....

I stayed at the beautiful new Tradewinds Club, the dedicated concierge staff went above and beyond to make my trip memorable. From the "pillow menu", to the lush landscaping overlooking the Caribbean Sea, they indeed spoiled me rotten. On the Marriott property you will have seven restaurants and cafes to choose from. You must also visit The Mandara Spa during your stay. Just know that the Aruba Marriott staff is dedicated to making your stay the best that they can.

Check out The Aruba Marriott on the web at & The Mandara Spa @

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dinner For Two...a rainy night out

Recently I gave up eating meat so naturally when my husband offered to head over to the new Flat Iron Grill in Red Hook, I hesitated. We've been there before and it was fabulous, it's just that I wasn't in the mood to try and pick through the menu. So it was after a little deliberation that we agreed on the new Mercato [Italian] Restaurant in Red Hook. I've heard many good reports amongst my friends so I figured lets give it a try.

As I entered the tiny little space, I was greeted by my friend's Beth and Chris. After we got the hellos and goodbyes out of the way, they warned me "Its a little loud in there tonight!", but the food is unbelievable! OK, so loud was an understatement...without a reservation they managed to find us a cute little table for two. The walls where painted a pale yellow, it felt warm and inviting except for the level of loudness. After my salad arrived and I got a glass of wine in me, I managed to get used to the decibel level. I found myself talking just as loud as everyone else. [if you know me, loud is usually not a problem] Perhaps, it's just a weekend thing, mid-week must be a little quieter.

Great little spot for sure, filled with Manhattanites and locals galore, it seats maybe 40 people max. It has a NYC feel, Cute bar, although they only serve beer and wine. The wine list is a bit difficult to decipher, it's partially in Italian, however it was loaded with many fine wines. Much to my surprise they even had a couple of Organic red's to choose from. As I read the menu over I made my choice on the bucatini pasta, only problem was the guanciaale, [pronounced gwahn-CHAY-lay]. I was not sure what this was. I thought perhaps an exotic vegetable ?...I asked our waiter and he described it to be "pork jowl". Well, I have to tell you, there are no worse words to hear for a brand new non-meat eating person than "Pork Jowl!" OK so I had to make a recovery fast, I asked if they could kindly hold the jowl, and maybe throw in a veggie or two. I have to tell you that I have always prided myself in NOT being a pain in the ass customer and I really didn't want to start now! Our waiter was accommodating, and the chef was not offended. He even decided to throw in some Broccoli Rabe. Excellent!!! I give the food 5 STARS. I have been living on nuts and seeds,and fruit and veggies for about a month now, so perhaps my gastronomy experience was heightened, however, I don't think so. I know fabulous food when I eat it.

Go on a date, go out alone, call a friend, rainy night or not make your way to Mercato.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The days are endless...

It seems that time goes by so fast, yet the days seem endless. Have you ever wondered why you can't get your kids to go to bed at night, yet they never want to get out of it in the morning...Time travels by so fast, you see other people's kids and how big they are getting, my oldest daughter turned 15...I said is it possible, does that mean I too am 15 years older. I think NOT!!!

The Learning Curve

For some this may come one likes to learn new things. I will have to figure the blogging thing out! Spell check will be a must! not to mention, how does one find this page again after
"X-ing" out? Humm...Perhaps I should ask one of my kids, what Learning curve?

Lunch in France...Kind of....

Hi everyone, well I have figured out how to set up a blog. I shall learn as I go.

I had lunch in France today, or I like to think I did. My favorite little spot in upstate NY, Le Cunard. It was a pleasure lunch, filled with work items. I watched out the window at the man that should be working on publishing my story, as he took a smoke break, and greeted passers by. But then again, I was having lunch in France while I should be working....Life is nice when you can go to France for lunch