Thursday, June 17, 2010

VIP, Me?

Apparently, I'm one of the lucky ones to receive a Visa, and to be welcomed into China! I've heard that some high up government officials were turned down for a visa, but not me! Can you imagine?!
Being a 5'10" tall blond American women in China has it's perks, let's just say I'm turning some heads. It appears, I'm not very good at blending in. People want to have their picture taken with me, I am beginning to feel like a VIP.
Everyone is very friendly, it's a pity I don't speak the language because I am experiencing a bit of a barrier. I can't wait to share my photos and blogs, but that will have to wait for now, as China has blocked any and all blogging and e-mail from Wuhan, China. They do not have this thing we call Facebook, or Twitter. It's the governments way to keep some control over what information comes in or goes out.
I had my first encounter with a scary drink mixture this afternoon, I thought it was derived from some type of plant, but then I wasn't so sure when I felt it moving in my mouth...hummm,to swallow or to spit? Unfortunately for me, I've been in this predicament before. I thought for a moment, looked around, and with nowhere to spit I committed, and so I swallowed...It reminded me of a polly wog egg sac from a pond. Little, black spotted, jello like, pods, holding tightly together in a clump. I thought for a moment,...this can't be what they serve the VIP'S! I should have known something was just not right, when next to the polly wog eggs was thinly sliced antler, just how one should prepare that is a mystery for me. My guess? tea or soup. I decided not to hang around and find out.
My visit so far is getting more interesting by the moment!I wonder what the poor people are doing right now?!VIP?... Me?... Maybe!

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